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Conductive Adhesive for Energy Storage

Astro 3486, Conductive, Chemically Resistant Adhesive for Batteries

Astro 3486

Conductive, Chemically-Resistant Adhesive for Batteries
Astro 3486, Conductive, Chemically Resistant Adhesive for Batteries
  • Very low volume resistivity to enable efficient electron transfer.
  • Optimized for chemical resistance in aqueous, corrosive battery environments.
  • Great flexibility and bond strength
  • Bonding carbon fabric to metallic cathodes in a battery enclosure.
  • Applications requiring a thin bond line and high conductivity.
  • Conductive bonding in chemically caustic environments.
Conductive, Chemically-Resistant Adhesive

Design engineers face challenges in achieving a durable bond and proper electron transfer within the corrosive environment of a battery.  Astro 3486 is a single-component, fast-setting, fluoropolymer-based conductive adhesive developed to perform in these harsh conditions. It exhibits a very high chemical resistance to aqueous acids and bases, making it ideal for use in electrochemical applications.  

This specialized adhesive creates a flexible bond between dissimilar substrates such as carbon fabric or sheets and a metal cathode, while optimizing electron transfer efficiency in redox battery systems.  Astro 3486 is formulated to rapidly set once applied, enabling quick assembly and throughput in large-scale production settings.  This chemistry has a 12-month shelf life when stored at room temperature.

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